There are no state secrets about how the award recommendation process works in this Kingdom but neither are there a binding set of rules that each Crown follows. This is written to pull back some of the curtains to help … Continue reading
Category Archives: Royalty
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Miscellaneous
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Retainers: Most of the time, the royalty will bring at least one set (two people) of retainers with them. These retainers are to be considered the “head” … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Food
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Morning Food (Food in the royalty room when royalty arrive i.e. breakfast/brunch): It is usually very welcomed. Whether or not to provide food in the royalty room … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Court
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Court Preparation Royalty will need to start preparing for court one to two hours before court. If one or both of them has been fighting, they will … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — The Presence
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Presence for the Day The royalty will need a place to set up “The Presence” during the day. If you are going to make an assumption, assume … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — The Royalty Room
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) The first place the royalty will need to go when they arrive at your event is the Royalty Room. Royalty Room Location Preferably, it is close enough … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Communications
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Your group is hosting an event and the autocrat receives a communication from Their Royal Majesties’ chamberlain informing you that TRMs will be attending your event. In … Continue reading