Well, I’m going to dive in and try blogging… again. While this blog is specific to my experiences in the SCA, it is not an official SCA blog. Everything here is just my thoughts, my experiences, and my two-cents. Take it for what it’s worth. You are welcome to link to here or ignore my blog. Mostly, this is a place for me to brain-dump. Sometimes it will be information people keep asking me about, sometimes it will be my ramblings, and often it will be information about my projects. So, dear reader, it is up to you is you wish to stay or go. Either way, I wish you joy and happiness in your life’s endeavors and I look forward to seeing you at SCA events.
Tag Archives: Midrealm
What happens after I submit an award recommendation?
There are no state secrets about how the award recommendation process works in this Kingdom but neither are there a binding set of rules that each Crown follows. This is written to pull back some of the curtains to help … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Miscellaneous
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Retainers: Most of the time, the royalty will bring at least one set (two people) of retainers with them. These retainers are to be considered the “head” … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Food
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Morning Food (Food in the royalty room when royalty arrive i.e. breakfast/brunch): It is usually very welcomed. Whether or not to provide food in the royalty room … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Court
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Court Preparation Royalty will need to start preparing for court one to two hours before court. If one or both of them has been fighting, they will … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — The Presence
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Presence for the Day The royalty will need a place to set up “The Presence” during the day. If you are going to make an assumption, assume … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — The Royalty Room
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) The first place the royalty will need to go when they arrive at your event is the Royalty Room. Royalty Room Location Preferably, it is close enough … Continue reading
Royalty is Coming to Your Event. Now What?! — Communications
(This is a series of posts from a class I taught at R.U.M.) Your group is hosting an event and the autocrat receives a communication from Their Royal Majesties’ chamberlain informing you that TRMs will be attending your event. In … Continue reading